Amerie All I Have Zip


  1. Amerie All I Have Zippyshare
  2. Amerie All I Have Zip
    Дата29 июнь
    Категория:Тексты песен

    Слова песни Amerie - All I Have

    I feel so unsure
    Traveling, you opened your door
    Your eyes glistening
    Silly me, I'm already missing you
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
    You said that we'd forever be in love
    And you showed me life like I never knew
    Things I never even dreamed of
    But your smile just don't seem the same
    And when you tell me you feel it too
    I'm not sure who's to blame, 'cause I gave everything
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
    I can't believe
    This love is leaving me, love is leaving me
    And I can't believe
    What we've come to be, what we've come to be
    And I wish I could make it like it used to be
    Can't believe I'm through loving you
    And you're through loving me, you
    And in the middle of my final tears
    You call out my name, my name
    You cried out my name
    But it could never be the same
    'Cause this is all I have
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
    And this is all I have
    All I have to give, all I have to give
    This one last kiss
    I know it's not enough
    Though our love will never end
    One more touch is all I have, all I have
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Amerie All I Have Zippyshare

Amerie All I Have Zip

Amerie All I Have Zip

Charles and Mi have Amerie in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, but they moved a few months after they had the singer to South Korea, where Amerie spent the earliest years of her life. Probably because of how good Charles and Mi parented her, Amerie did not grow up facing issues because of her biracial identity. Amerie Mi Marie Rogers (born January 12, 1981), known professionally as Amerie or Ameriie, is an American recording artist, record producer, and actress. She debuted in 2002 with the album All I Have, primarily co-written and produced by Rich Harrison, and was well received in the urban market.

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